Spring Clean Up

It’s been a long, cold winter so we’re encouraging people to get out of their homes and businesses to collaborate with neighbors for a common good – a cleaner city! We want Walker’sPoint to stay the vibrant, living neighborhood it is, and for residents and businesses to take pride in their neighborhood. Jane Jacobs, an activist who influenced urban studies said, “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” We’d add to that statement by saying that not only should cities be created by everyone, but kept clean by everyone, too.


Arrive at MobCraft Beer anytime between 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM to pick up supplies and select your area to clean up.

Head off to your area and collect anything that doesn’t belong. Find something unique? Keep it close at hand and  you could win a prize.

Return to MobCraft Beer to drop off your bags, supplies and treasures.

MobCraft is providing a free pint for all participants 21 and older.
McDonalds is providing coupons to all participants for a free ice cream cone through May at the McDonald’s on 1st and National.
414 Flowers is providing a trio of flowers to all participants starting in May redeemable at their National Avenue pop-up.


Awards and prizes will be announced after 4:00 PM. You do not need to be present to win.




#GivingFest Flash Fundraiser for WPA Scholarship

Help us Help our Youth!

The WPA will be holding a flash fundraiser in January and February to raise money for the WPA Scholarship. For every $1,000 we raise, we will award an additional scholarship.

The scholarships go to Bradley Tech graduating seniors to further their education at an institution of their choice. The recipients are selected by the Tech Alumni Association. We have been partnering with them and matching donor, Bob Feind since 2019. Mr. Feind is a local business owner and a founding member of the Walker’s Point Association. Each year, he matched the scholarship so we were able to help additional students continuing learning.

We established some key levels of giving, but every dollar helps. If you donate at the Signature Scholarship level, you have the opportunity to co-brand the scholarship.

Donate today!

Celebrate Walker’s Point: Sept. 20-27

In lieu of the 5th Street Fest this year, we are going to spread the love and host a new experience in Walker’s Point. Businesses can participate in Walker’s Point Festival Week by becoming a member of WPA, letting us know what special, promotion, event or offering they have for the community and then help get the word out about the week. If you are already a member, please send in your participation ideas to Kathy at kosowski@brothersinteriors.com (even if it is that you are open for business). If you aren’t a member, please become a member https://walkerspointassociation.org/membership/ and then send your ideas to Kathy.

What You Missed: WPA Annual Gathering

If you were not able to join us on May 29th at 6pm, the Cooperage Staff and the WPA Board of Directors greeted nearly 100 residents, businesses owners and friends.  Kevin Wondra, President of WPA, welcomed us and thanked the owner of The Cooperage, Derek Collins for graciously hosting in this beautiful event space.

Police from District 1, Officer Kline and District 2, Officer Vodica spoke.  There was no new crimes to report but a significant amount of time was spent talking to the details about the recent news about the MPD and Bucks player, Sterling Brown.  The MPD has chosen to be transparent about the event and answered many of our questions.

Resident, Harvey Kurtz reported on the Walkers Point Safety Network accomplishments such as relaying the importance of reporting ALL crime AND suspicious activity in order to gain traction for increasing police presence in the Walkers Point neighborhood.  Additionally, they have been mapping cameras and creating a social media safety education campaign in the business districts.  These initiatives require more volunteers.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Harvey at harvey.kurtz75@gmail.com. Meanwhile, remember to dial “9” after you call 911.

Thank you to Ellen Homb of 2-Story marketing and promotions, for donating her time and her staff’s time to produce a new information hub for us:  www.Walkerspointassocition.org.  It has launched in May and thank you to Ivan Mejias for his work to translate and publish the site in a Spanish coming soon.

Walkers Point Association Board of Directors work within committees such as:

    • Residential Committee:  Supporting cares and concerns of residents
    • BEDC, Business Economic Development Committee: welcoming and supporting businesses
    • Membership Committee:  Membership, friends, and business sponsorship
    • Community Relationship Committee:  social media, Gatherings, and 5th street fest


New this year, Membership Committee was added in order to support business sponsorship of the Walkers Point Association.  In exchange for dues (that pay for residential and community gatherings, social media support, and website support, and 5th street festival) business sponsors receive regular ongoing promotion through our weekly social media, Website, and 5th Street Festival. The ultimate goal of membership is to increase communication and awareness of all people in the neighborhood.  Membership committee worked towards launch of a new website to house all the social media posts, relay in Spanish (coming thanks to Ivan Mejias), and promote connecting each other while working as a neighborhood. We also began a process for welcoming all new members and encouraging business engagement. In summary:  over 500 businesses in Walkers point.  Over 50 businesses and hundreds of residents participate in WPA.  Additionally, over 3000 individuals follow what is happening in Walkers Point.  There is plenty of room for more resident and business members.

5th Street Fest is scheduled for September 22rd!  Mark your calendars for that afternoon until 10pm.  See www.5thstreetfest.com and stay tuned for more information.  Thank you to Cristian Vega of Screaming Tuna for heading that initiative.

Thank you to all that attended our 2018 Annual WPA gathering.


CR Design logo
The UPS Store Walkers Point logo
Indeed Brewing Company logo
Next Act Theater, Intimate, Powerful logo
Unite Ministry Walkers Point logo
Steren-Owned McDonald's Restaurants logo
Elevate + Co. Medical Aesthetics Boutique logo
Milwaukee Tech Alumni logo
LCM Funds Real Estate LLC logo
NorthSouth Club logo
New Land Enterprises logo
Vandewalle & Associates Inc. Shaping places, shaping change logo
Two Birds Event Group logo

Mill Valley
Recycling, LLC

© 2020 Walkers Point Association | All rights reserved.