Join us at Broken Bat Brewery for neighborhood updates from the WPA, MPD District 1 & 2 Officers, the Alderman and more. 5:30 PM Networking 6:00 PM Program 6:45 PM Open Share 7:00 PM Networking
All who live in Walker’s Point are welcome! We will talk about safety, and take questions. Bring your neighbor! MobCraft generously offers all attendees $2 off MobCraft pints and $1 off 10oz pours. Reserved tables will be available in the west half of the taproom. MobCraft also hosts trivia at 7:00 pm, so anyone who […]
Join us for an open house for the Mineral and 6th St. Overpass Project! The open house will be held at the United Community Center on April 19th from 4:30 - 7 pm. Learn about improvements that will help keep our rivers cleaner and our neighborhoods more attractive and safe. We want to hear your […]
Join us at the Bobblehead Museum for neighborhood updates from the WPA, MPD District 1 & 2 Officers, the Alderman and more. 5:30 PM Networking 6:00 PM Program 6:45 PM Open Share 7:00 PM Networking